Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A relaxing weekend to a manic Monday

The weekend was so nice and relaxing Friday was my girls night and then Saturday I just stayed close to home it was a pretty nice day but half way through the day it got cloudy and cooled down a bit so just hung out and it was great to be able to eat dinner out on the deck and just enjoy being outside. Sunday I went to church. Currently we are doing a sermon series on the book of James. It has been so powerful and so uncomfortable all at the same time. Its one of those series that pushes you to go further, to really reach out show the world that you indeed bear his name and you want to love and serve a broken world. Often my pastor challenges us to really love and serve people.

Often times here in Chicago it is so hard to do that. there are soooo many homeless people in the city and often times I want to help them so I will stop by a McDonald's or something and get them a little meal and I cant tell you how many times my little McDonald's meals have been turned down by so many homeless people b/c they don't eat chicken or burgers upset their stomach or some other reason. I try not to give them money cause 90% of the time they will spend it on alcohol instead of food but I just feel bad for leaving them and not attending to their hunger. sometimes though when a person is honestly asking for food (which is really hard to tell) the amount of gratitude they show is overwhelming.

Now that I have rambled on and on about that lets get back to what this post was supposed to be about lol, my Monday... Oh Monday was a crazy day I worked all day and then I went straight from work to a rehearsal for a show that I am working on. It was our first read through last night. It went well.

I love theater, doing theater in any capacity makes me happy.I fell in love with live theater when I was 11 years old it opened up a whole new world for me and I want other children to be able to experience that to be able to feel the wonder that theater holds! I am praying to be able to start my own Christian performing arts company for youth that will allow them to explore different areas in the arts from dance, theater,creative writing,music and so on but in a christian environment. Because it has been hard for me as a christian in the theater community there is so much that I don't agree with and so many things that compromise what I believe in and I want kids and teens to be able to explore the arts without facing that and to know that you can do this and not compromise who you are!

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