Saturday, May 15, 2010

Books galore

For this weeks show us your life at kelly's korner the topic is favorite books or children's books. Oh do I have oodles of books that I love both adult titles and children's books.In the 'adult' category ever since I was about 12 years old I have loved:

I also love:


and more recently I have been reading a lot of Karen Kingsbury books. So far I have loved them all!

there are so many books that I love that I cant even remember them all nor do I have the space to put them all so instead I will move on to some of my favorite children's books ha ha.

This one is an all time favorite of mine since childhood.Its also a favorite of all my youngest little thespians we love acting this one out in our drama class "warm-up" in my 4 and 5 year old class

this one is also a favorite to act out in drama class:

and these ones have been favorites since I was a child as well:

These were some of my favorite series growing up:

Reading was always happening when I was a child I loved it then and I love it now :)Have a great weekend and take a little time to enjoy a great book :)


  1. I love Karen Kingsbury. Great list of books! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Great picks! I love "Where the Wild Things Are" - total classic!!
