Friday, May 14, 2010

Beth Moore is.... I have no words

Praise the Lord it's Friday!!! Even though it's been a good week I am still glad that Friday has come ha. I have bible study on Thursdays and yesterday was no different. Currently for my Thursday bible study we are doing Beth Moore's study on the life of Jesus called 'Jesus the one and only.'Those of you who have taken a Beth Moore study know that there is a video teaching to go along with each weekly lesson So yesterday was the point where we reached the last supper and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.This is one of those things that you of course hear read all the time obviously when ever you take communion the last supper in regards to the bread and the wine are read before you take each but last night When Beth was teaching in the video she went through and explained a traditional passover celebration and she talked about the 4 cups that are usually taken during a passover what they represent, they are the 4 I will's of God (that we read about way back in exodus 6:6-7): I will bring you out. I will deliver you from their bondage. I will Redeem you w/an outstretched arm. I will take you as my own people.

Now this is already quite interesting as I have never been to a passover and never heard this before but then she points out something that just blows me away. All of these cups are the life of Christ he is conducting this passover meal and at the same time teaching his disciples through these cups what he was sent here to do and what is to come and the cup that we hear about every time we take communion
(Mark 14:23-24) is the 3rd I will of God,I will redeem you w/an outstretched arm.

Now at that point in Bible study I am just in awe of how the whole thing is fitting together and then Beth takes it even further and goes on to talk about when Jesus went to the garden to pray after the last supper. First of all she points out something that I have NEVER noticed when ever I have read this portion of scripture when Jesus prays the son of God Kneels!!!! This just blows me away Jesus Christ the son of the Most High God kneels in total submission! whoa! The second thing she says is this: When Jesus is praying to God to take this "cup" from him he is speaking of that third cup the cup of redemption,the journey that he will take to the cross to redeem us, but after he has prayed and spent time with the Father he has made up his mind he indeed will take that cup, we are in fact worth it!

Oh I was just without words... of course I knew that Jesus died for me to save me but this whole lesson was out of control (in a good way haha) my heart was overwhelmed and I was able to grasp just a small bit of how much God the Father and God the Son LOVE me. Of course I know that God loves me but this whole lesson really helped me put into perspective at least a little bit just how immeasurable His love is for us! I mean I still don't even have the words, or the right words to express how amazing that 'aha' moment was and how full my heart is getting a small glimpse at how much I am loved by the father!

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and that you will remember that Jesus LOVES you and he felt that you were worth it to take on that 'cup' of redemption

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