Even though I was not able to go home and spend the time with my family I still had a great day. It was so nice to be with friends and fellowship and share. This thanksgiving holiday I had/have so many things to be thankful for.
- My Saviour! God has blessed me and my life well beyond what I deserve! I may not always get to do the things that I want to do and its rough financially but I still have a roof over my head,food in my fridge,clothes on my back and shoes on my feet. warm coats and hats to see me through these winter months. God has given me everything that I need to survive and he has also given me the most precious gift his son! Because of his son my life is secured! God is Good!
- My amazing family! They are so supportive and wonderful my momma is always there to talk me down and give me prospective when I am rambling on about things that frustrate me and annoy me,my grandmothers! they are my most amazing examples of what a good christian woman,mother and wife looks like and they are always there to encourage me! My sister she is my sunshine I love her so much and I am so very proud of her and the young lady she is becoming! LOVE all of you!
- My amazing Church family!! In this past year my church family and small group ladies and young adults group have been a major blessing! praying with me teaching me challenging me and encouraging me to be the person that God has called me to be! I love all of them so much! Because of them I have gone from having no one here in the city to hangout with and feeling so lonely in this great city full of people to having so many wonderful and amazing friends to fellowship with and call on!
This thanksgiving and this Holiday season I have so many wonderful people and things to be thankful for. I thank God for his amazing blessings and his grace and for giving me so much to thank him for! I hope all of your thanksgivings were wonderful and that you all took time to allow your heart to be grateful for what God has done in your lives this past year!

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